AZ-100 Course Launched!


New Course Launched

Get prepped for the new Azure Administrator Certification by starting with the AZ-100 Exam

We are excited to announce our new course aimed at helping you pass the AZ-100 Exam. This exam is now the first step to get you on your way to achieving the Azure Administrator Certification.

This course curriculum follows the Microsoft's AZ-100 exam outline with a bonus section at the end focusing on ARM and Azure Automation:

  • Manage Azure Subscriptions and Resources

  • Implement and Manage Storage

  • Deploy and Manage Virtual Machines (VMs)

  • Configure and Manage Virtual Networks

  • Manage Identities

  • Bonus Section: ARM & Automation

Lectures will educate you on the fundamental terms and principles of the Azure platform and demos will enable you with a hands-on experience using scenarios to empower you in the real world.

This course will be continually updated with additional modules based on feedback from our students.


MSIgnite Day 1 - Certification Update


Naming Standards and Tagging