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Microsoft Azure AZ-100 & AZ-300 Course Update - February 13th 2019

Dear Students,

We have some key updates to AZ-100 and AZ-300 courses that are effective immediately.


  • Log Analytics - New video replaces the old Log Analytics videos which includes all the new portal changes. Microsoft retired the OMS portal on Jan 15th and this should help you understand the new UI.


  • Log Analytics - New video replaces the old Log Analytics videos which includes all the new portal changes. Microsoft retired the OMS portal on Jan 15th and this should help you understand the new UI.

  • Event Grid - New demo has been added to showcase Event Grid which is required for the exam.

  • Event Hub - New demo has been added to showcase Event Hub which is required for the exam.

These certifications continue to be the most popular and we are working fast to get updates out as we are made aware of them. Please let us know via the FB group or e-mail us if you spot any other key updates you think are missing.

Thank you,

Skylines Academy Team