Azure PowerShell Reference Guide (AZ-103 & AZ-300)
Azure PowerShell Reference Guide
AZ-100 / AZ-103 / AZ-300 Exams
As part of Azure certification, and ensuring you’re a good admin, it is necessary to have a base understanding in key PowerShell commands.
As such, we are excited to release the first version of the Skylines Academy PowerShell Reference Guide!
Click here to download the latest version.
This guide will provide you with a reference to key PowerShell commands necessary for Azure administrators as well as required to pass the Azure Administrator certification exams (AZ-100, AZ-103, AZ-300) from Microsoft.
If you are completely new to PowerShell, we highly recommend you check out the Microsoft Azure PowerShell Overview which has a number of tutorials and guides for learning the basics. This guide is made up of several PowerShell commands which have been reference from the Microsoft documentation and other sources. Before running any of these commands in production, please be sure to test them out in an Azure test account. Some commands are destructive in nature (e.g. removing resource groups, tags etc.) and you need to make sure you fully understand the commands that you execute.
The guide is divided up into the following sections:
· Downloading PowerShell and Installing Azure ARM Modules for PowerShell
· Accounts and Subscriptions
· Resource Groups
· Governance
· Storage
· Virtual Machines
· Networking
· Azure Active Directory
We hope you enjoy this guide and keep it handy by your desk for all your day to day Azure Administrator needs.
If you spot any errors in this guide, please submit them via the Contact Us page.
Thank you,
Skylines Academy Team