Azure Certification Update

In case you missed the announcement coming out of Microsoft Inspire (watch it here) , a number of changes to the certification program were announced. Specifically, they called it “The Future of Modern Learning”, and I can say without a doubt, these are extremely positive changes. 

There are 4 tenets to their changes as showing in the image below 



Certification Paths


For Azure, they are introducing 3 new role based certification paths for Administrators, Developers, and Solution Architects. Each role-based certification requires that you pass 2 exams as follows: 


You will receive an achievement badge for passing the first exam, and the certification itself once you have passed both exams. I was hoping to get additional information on the Azure Developer and Solution Architect exams before posting this, but right now we can break out the Azure Administrator Certification Exams for you. 

Azure Administrator Certification  

Part 1: AZ-100 – Microsoft Azure Infrastructure and Deployment -  

Part 2: AZ-101 – Microsoft Azure Integration and Security -  

Both of these exams are currently in BETA with the expectation that they will be come available in September during Ignite. 

Azure Developer Certification

Part 1: Coming Soon

Part 2: Coming Soon 

Azure Solution Architect

Part 1: Coming Soon

Part 2: Coming Soon

Skylines Academy Course Adjustments

The #1 question I’ve received from students is, what should I do now? 

If you are taking the 70-533, I would say go ahead and get certified or at least take the training. If you get the 70-533 certification completed, you will be able to take an upgrade exam (Details here: Note: Taking AZ-102 without already possessing the 70-533, will NOT earn you the Azure Administrator certification.  

What about new courses for the Role Based Certifications? 

Microsoft are encouraging us to rework our material into a number of sub courses which can then be combined into the appropriate certification. This allows you to use a combination of learning methods to achieve your new certification.  



Our commitment is to re work our lectures into the sub components, and then create entire courses that pull everything together. We are of course always looking for feedback on this. 

Given these changes, our commitment is still to bring you Terraform for Azure at the end of July, with our new Azure Certification Adjustments starting to appear in August and September respectively. 


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